Sunday, October 24, 2010

It's time.

21 years old now.still hopelessly single.

Had some same horrible nightmares a few days ago,dreamt i had a very lonely future and faced various agonizing death.

Are those messages from above?whatever it is it doesn't sound or looked good,and i dont want to end it that way.

Well,it's time to call down the thunder.
after years of hard practicing,unknown by the outside world, a skill which ive prefected is ready to surface.

i guess it's time.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Nothing New

Skipped blogging for 1 month plus now due to the crappy internet back home,anyway,that's not the main point.some updates that are needed to be recorded:

1. results out,not too bad,quite satisfied,improving.
2. fucking pissed with myself for not able to install Starcraft2 in my pc.
3. mind's blank dunno what to write.
4. oh yeah,ive been stopped smoking for almost 150-160 days,lost track of counting the days already,anyway,that's not the main point as well.
5. got a new haircut about a week ago,quite satisfied wi maself.

that's it.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Updates (3)

approximately 14 more days to the final examination.been studying like rojak,many subjects still havent finish covered yet.God please look after me,for this remaining two weeks,ima be like a goddamn machine studyin non stop 24/7.please lord make my wish come true,all i need is some additional brain juice.amen.
stop no smoking days(SNSD) = 76 fays.=P

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Buat Bodoh.

boy : heyy
girl : hiii
boy : ....
(girl walks past...)
boy : heyy i still dont know your name?(=
girl : oh hi,my name is (xxx)=)
boy : silenced (buat bodoh,turns n walks away...)
girl : ...


Friday, August 27, 2010


Back to the nest in Ipoh,slept for 13 hours,forced myself to stay away from assignments and studies for 48 hours, feels good. =)
SFD(smoke free days)=63 days.=)))))))))

Saturday, August 21, 2010

好想回家 =(


Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Today is a very normal day,finally finished all my 6 midterm papers(SERIOUSLY fucked up 2 papers,mildly fucked up 1 more paper and the remaining 3 papers i did reasonably well). so now im off with assignments~

ohh ya,52 smoke free days now,fucking proud of my sheer willpower,makes me feel like a king.
